Search Results

Business Analyst

Confidential at Alhambra, CA

Business Analyst: Anlyz oprn'l data for trends & improvement; Cndct fin anlys & forecast perf; Collab w/ teams on data collection, strategic initiatives & prese...

Mecanico General de Autos

Los Angeles, CA Area Jobs at Rosemead, CA

Mecanico General de Autos Minimo 5 aƱos de Experiencia y con Herramienta Propia. Solicite en:8419 Garvey AveRosemead CA626-572-9900 ...

Management Analyst

Dks Steel Door & Frame Systems Inc. at Commerce, CA

Management Analyst in Commerce CA. Conduct organizational studies to assist management in daily operations. Mail resume: DKS Steel Door & Frame Systems Inc. 214...

IT Specialist

Confidential at Vernon, CA

IT Specialist: Provide tech'l assist to comp users. Monitor comp system perf ; Monitor/ensure appropriate security controls for protection of network, info and ...

Network Administrator

Addmotor Tech at El Monte, CA

Network Administrator Establish network routes; monitor network traffic, Mail resume to job site: Addmotor Tech, 4188 Arden Dr., El Monte, CA 91731 No calls....


Jewelry Pot, Inc Dba Nuragold at Los Angeles, CA

Photographer (Los Angeles, CA). Take high quality prof photos of jewelry align w co brand aesthetics, w jewelry craftmanship, unique features. 40 hr per week/FT...

Graphic Designer

Vizco Agency Inc. at Los Angeles, CA

GRAPHIC DESIGNER Design & create graphics to meet commercial and promotional needs of company. Req. BA Graphic Design, Computer Aided Design or related & 1 ye...

Sr Edi Analyst

Confidential at Pasadena, CA

Accounting Analysis & Reporting Analyst (East West Bank; Pasadena, CA): prepare various banking regulatory reports. Salary: $76,588.88/year. Resumes: Jennie.Od...


Shiny Star, Inc. at Huntington Park, CA

Accountant (F/T): Must have BA in Accounting, Economics, Business Administration or related field. Apply to: SHINY STAR, Inc., 6009 Santa Fe Ave., Huntington Pa...

Diamond Setter

Immaculate Jewelry Inc. at Los Angeles, CA

DIAMOND SETTER Fabricate, finish, or evaluate the quality of gems and diamonds used in jewelry. Cut, set and polish stone by using special tools to fit into je...

Data Analyst

Confidential at Los Angeles, CA

DATA ANALYST Gather, clean & organize large datasets from various sources. Perform detailed data analysis. Reporting & Visualization. Data Mgmt. Maintain & Man...

Public Relations Specialist

Malltail, Inc. at Los Angeles, CA

Public Relations Specialist - Asian Market Develop & implement public relations strategies tailored for Asian market, with a particular emphasis on Japan, etc. ...

Senior Business Analyst

Confidential at Arcadia, CA

Senior Business Analyst (Arcadia, CA) Conducting mkt research, analyzing data, & providing insights & recommendations to support our bus. objectives. Master's d...

Administrative Assistant

Kumon Math & Reading Center Of Eagle Rock at Los Angeles, CA

ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT sought by Kumon Math & Reading Center of Eagle Rock, in Los Angeles CA. Perf routine clerical & admin functions. REQS: HS/GED or foreig...

Sr Structural Engineer

Confidential at Los Angeles, CA

Structural Engineer (Los Angeles, CA) Structural design of bldg. & structural systems. Engineering documentation. Design & technical analysis. Site observati...

Bereavement Adviser

Confidential at Arcadia, CA

Bereavement Adviser: Advocate for patients in end-of-life phase. Educate patients, families re end-of-life symptoms, options to make informed decisions. Provide...

Film And Video Editor

Confidential at Arcadia, CA

Film and Video Editor: Edit films & videos, arrange sequences & correct errors; Select, combine shots for smooth running story, confer w/ producers & directors;...

Business Editors

Confidential at City Of Industry, CA

Business Editors (City of Industry, CA) Dvlp prof'l publications & informative content on immigration matters & firm svcs to promote firm's brand awareness. Bac...


Media International Service, Inc. at Glendale, CA

Bookkeeper, F/T. Mail resume: Media International Service, Inc. 671 W Broadway 204, Glendale, CA 91204...

Medical Records Coordinator

Promptcare Health Services, Inc. at Glendale, CA

MEDICAL RECORDS COORDINATOR ($57,096 - $94,515/YR) Needed by Promptcare Health Services, Inc., send only resumes to 454 S. Central Ave., Glendale, CA 91204....