Search Results

Mechanical Engineer

Confidential at Covina, CA

Mechanical Engineer: Job/res/ad: Dauntless Industries, 806 N. Grand Avenue, Covina, CA 91724...

Marketing Associate

Massage Channel Inc. at Huntington Beach, CA

Marketing Associate: Coordinate marketing activities; 40hrs/wk; pay range: $55k-$58k/yr, send resume to Massage Channel Inc, Attn: HR, 21188 Beach Blvd., Huntin...

Graphic Designer

Vizco Agency Inc. at Los Angeles, CA

GRAPHIC DESIGNER Design & create graphics to meet commercial and promotional needs of company. Req. BA Graphic Design, Computer Aided Design or related & 1 ye...

Senior Business Analyst

Confidential at Arcadia, CA

Senior Business Analyst (Arcadia, CA) Conducting mkt research, analyzing data, & providing insights & recommendations to support our bus. objectives. Master's d...

Bereavement Adviser

Confidential at Arcadia, CA

Bereavement Adviser: Advocate for patients in end-of-life phase. Educate patients, families re end-of-life symptoms, options to make informed decisions. Provide...

Systems Support Specialist III

Confidential at Santa Ana, CA

Systems Support Specialist III, Salary $90,000. Please reference this ad and send resume to Identiv, Inc. 1900-B Carnegie Ave Santa Ana, CA 92705 or HR@identiv....

Director Account Manager

Confidential at Costa Mesa, CA

KOD Inc/Graphic Designer. Use digital illus., photo editing s/w., & layout s/w. to create dsgns; Create visual elements; Dsgn layouts; Rev. dsgns for errors; Re...

Director Account Manager

Confidential at Costa Mesa, CA

Quality Engineer, Buena Park, CA. Analyze/resolve quality issues, perform audits, participate in product quality planning/control process. Master's in material ...

Director Account Manager

Confidential at Costa Mesa, CA

Karma Automotive, Inc. seeks Lead Engineer Powertrain Control System and Software in Irvine and Moreno Valley, CA w/ Master's or equiv plus 2 yrs exp ($180,000...

Diamond Setter

Immaculate Jewelry Inc. at Los Angeles, CA

DIAMOND SETTER Fabricate, finish, or evaluate the quality of gems and diamonds used in jewelry. Cut, set and polish stone by using special tools to fit into je...

Data Analyst

Confidential at Los Angeles, CA

DATA ANALYST Gather, clean & organize large datasets from various sources. Perform detailed data analysis. Reporting & Visualization. Data Mgmt. Maintain & Man...

Sr Audit Associates

Hotta Liesenberg Saito LLP at Torrance, CA

SR. AUDIT ASSOCIATES: Accounting firm seeks auditor. Send resume to: Attn: Recruiting, Hotta Liesenberg Saito LLP, 970 W. 190th St. Ste 900, Torrance, CA 90502....

Sr Structural Engineer

Confidential at Los Angeles, CA

Structural Engineer (Los Angeles, CA) Structural design of bldg. & structural systems. Engineering documentation. Design & technical analysis. Site observati...

Market Analyst

Confidential at Irvine, CA

Market Analyst Perform market research; recommend new market opportunities, Mail resume to job site: Hu Insurance Agency Inc., 3 Corporate Park, Suite 220, Irvi...

Food Prep Worker

Saigon Eatery Llc at Torrance, CA

Food Prep Worker Clean & sanitize work areas, equipment, utensils, dishes, or silverware; Prep meats, vegetables, and desserts. No exp. req'd. Mail resume to: ...


Confidential at Irvine, CA

YCM CPA, Inc. seeks Sr. Accountant (Audit). Mstrs. in Acctg or closely rel. field. Execute audit engagements, identify process improvements. Salary: $78,978/ yr...

Administrative Assistant

Kumon Math & Reading Center Of Eagle Rock at Los Angeles, CA

ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT sought by Kumon Math & Reading Center of Eagle Rock, in Los Angeles CA. Perf routine clerical & admin functions. REQS: HS/GED or foreig...

Financial Accountant

Confidential at Chino, CA

Financial Accountant sought by Diamond Wipes International Inc. to prepare, examine, and analyze accounting records and financial statements to assess accuracy,...

Logistics Analyst

Best Logistics Technology Co. Ltd. at Chino, CA

Logistics Analyst for Best Logistics Technology Co. Ltd. Bachelor degree in supply chain management or economics . Salary $48318 Rsm to HR, 5125 Schaefer Ave, #...

Administrative Analyst

Confidential at Irvine, CA

Administrative Analyst: Admission Masters, Inc. 880 Roosevelt Suite # 100, Irvine CA 92620...